Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What is all the hype about GLUTEN?
Does it really affect us?  Is this diet for everyone?  Can it help me lose weight?  These are common questions we are hearing people ask about the “Gluten Free” craze that is going on. 
As many diets come and go “Gluten Free” is here to stay.  Researchers have found that gluten is the cause of many reactions people have to foods, certain allergies, side effects, leaky gut syndrome, increases in insulin levels, celiac disease, and more.  It is estimated that 50-70% of the population has a gluten sensitivity.
What is gluten?  Gluten is the protein found in wheat, barley and rye.  It is the ingredient in breads, and pasta’s.  Humans cannot fully digest wheat.  Wheat is top eight on the allergen list.  When it is undigested it begins to ferment and causes gas.  When you are allergic to gluten it damages the lining of your digestive tract.  Some of the common symptoms people notice when they react to gluten are vomiting, stomach pains, bloating, gas, and a very stuffed up nose.  You could also be sensitive to gluten and have milder symptoms.  Most people know if they feel better eliminating gluten from their diet entirely within two weeks.  Most people recognize a difference almost immediately. 
It is not only the obvious carbohydrates that contain gluten but also the high fat/ high sugar junk foods. has tons of recipes that you get for free.  Once you start trying recipes and different foods you will find that it is a lifestyle change.  Food does still taste good.  Gluten free does not take the fun out of food.
Try it see if it’s for you!
Casey Grant 

1 comment:

  1. Great article. I am amazed at how much the gluten free foods can be so delicious. .. We have just gotten conditioned to using certain ingredients...and it is just a matter of change and habit.
    Even if we are not allergic to gluten, I truly believe it is a style of nutrition (being gluten free), that we can only benefit from!

    Thanks for your post!
